Highlights of the special moments that we have enjoyed this year.
As always a big thank you to everyone who supported these events. Please take note of our NEWS PAGE for current meetings that are in our diaries for the next few months that may interest you and where you will be most welcome. If we can help, advise or let you have more information about our events then let us know by contacting the appropriate person in the features below. Previous years events reports may be found at the end of this page.
December 2020
Reports of events that have been in December are here------
![carloser2 (2)](https://www.stgregorychurchsudbury.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/carloser2-2.jpg)
The crib beneath the altar
Sunday 20th December
The Christmas story and carols
Despite the current situation banning singing in church we held a carol service. The music was by the choir of St Martin's in the Field and played using blue tooth and our church tablet. A modern way to tell the story that people have heard for centuries! Although unable to join in , the music was beautiful to listen to, and may of the congregation felt a peace surrounding the service.
![carolsaer1 (2)](https://www.stgregorychurchsudbury.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/carolsaer1-2.jpg)
The Advent wreath and christmas flowers
Sunday 13th December
Hard at work after our morning service preparing the Christingle bags for the children.. These will be given out on Saturday 19th on Market Hill. The christingle service will be shown on Facebook at 3pm on Christmas Eve.
October 2020
Reports of events that have been in October are here------
Sunday 25th October - Trinity 20
The talk was given by Rob McNiesh , the manager of No 72 in Sudbury. He explained a little about the work of the organisation and how Christians can show their love in practical ways. He based his talk on I Thessalonians 2: 1-10 and Paul's message of sharing both the Gospel and our lives.
Trinity 19 - Holy Communion
September 2020
Reports of events that have been in September are here------
Harvest Festival - St Mary's Chilton
Sunday 6th September 2020
The Ordination of Rev. Tom Mumford and his first Mass.
The Rev. Tom Mumford was ordained a Priest at St Edmundsbury Cathedral on Sunday morning by the Bishop. Due to the restrictions caused by the Corona virus only close members of family were allowed into the cathedral, but we were able to watch via Facebook, and it was a very moving service. Later that afternoon Tom presided over his first Holy Communion with the sermon being preached by Bishop Rowan Williams. After the service Cheryl presented Tom with a travelling communion set and a cheque from the members of the congregation. Many of his friends and colleagues were there to support him.
August 2020
Reports of events that have been in August are here------
![Tom walk 024 (2)](https://www.stgregorychurchsudbury.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Tom-walk-024-2.jpg)
A Pilgrimage from Sudbury to Bury St Edmunds
22nd August 2020
On 22nd August, Revd Tom Mumford, our curate here at St Gregory’s, walked 20.5 miles from Sudbury to Bury St Edmunds. He set off at 7.20am with one companion and a dog! They were joined in Melford by one of our congregation who walked a mile with them - not bad for someone in their 80's. At Alpheton Tom carried on alone, as far as possible along the ancient St Edmund’s Way. He arrived at the Cathedral and sat in the abbey ruins, offering all the prayers gathered, on the site where St Edmunds shrine once lay. Evening prayer was said at the cathedral in, then a pint rounded off the day. He also raised over £2,500 for The Kernos Centre, which provides mental health support in Sudbury.
Well done Tom!
You can read about his day at www.facebook.com/stgregorychurchsudbury .
The next morning, he spoke on Radio Suffolk. You can hear him at www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08nb3rg , 3h 29m 30s in.
July 2020
Reports of events that have been in July are here------
A celebration of Holy communion
July 5th 2020
The church is at last open for worship. There were 21 people celebrating at 8am, the only service to be held during the week at the present time.
June 2020
Reports of events that have been in June are here------
Virtual Church Services
21st June 2020
Those of the congregation of St Gregory's who can, continue to log into the virtual services on a Sunday at 10.00am. Although the church is now open twice a week for private prayer, it will still be a while before the church reopens fully and this service allows us to worship together.
If you would like to be part of this worship please contact Rev tom Mumford at rev.tommumford@outlook.com
May 2020
Reports of events that have been in May are here------
Virtual Church Services
3rd May 2020
For the last two weeks we have had the opportunity to worship together through social media thanks to the skills of Revd Tom Mumford. Morning Prayer has been said, with members of the congregation taking part through readings and prayers. We are all very grateful for this opportunity to worshiop together in these times of self isolation.
April 2020
Reports of events that have been in April are here------
Christ is Risen. Alleluia.
A huge thank you to Julia Jameson and her incredible flower arranging team. They have managed to put together a small but beautiful display that you will see attached. Although we are not able to celebrate the resurrection in our church building, we hope that those who pass on their daily 'government mandated' exercise will still see a physical sign of new life and hope that our building has represented in Sudbury for so many centuries.
Singing 'Thine be the Glory!', an ecumenical endeavour suggested by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. Several of the people in the flats opened windows to listen and to wish each other a "Happy Easter;"