prayer3Most us feel the need to pray at certain times in our lives. So, all are welcome to visit the church to pray, and to find silence or stillness, as well as a sense of the presence of God. The church is open Wednesdays 11am - 3pm and there is a part of the church which has both a votive candle stand where you can light a candle(s) and a prayer board where written prayers or requests for prayer can be left. Please feel free to make us of these.

If you would like to speak to someone about any matters of faith, or for spiritual guidance, please contact either of the clergy who will be only too pleased to hear from you.


Thursday evenings 6.00p.m. in church 

Contemplative Prayer is prayer in which, rather than talking to God, we seek to open ourselves to his presence with us. Our God is present to us through his Spirit deep within us and by coming to silence and stillness we can be open to him in the depths of our hearts.

The contemplative prayer group is a very informal group which meets on Thursday evenings in church. We spend an hour together which includes some quiet music to listen to, 25 minutes of silence and some simple, practical teaching on Christian Meditation, which is a way of coming to an inner silence. There is no commitment to come every week, people come when they can.

Learning to unhook ourselves from our own thoughts and be still in God’s presence is a wonderful source of peace in today’s busy world.

Reshape us, good Lord, until in generosity, in faith, and in
expectation that the best is yet to come, we are truly Christ-like.
Make us passionate followers of Jesus, rather than passive supporters.
Make our churches places of radical discipleship
and signposts to heaven, then, in us, through us,
and - if need be - despite us, let your kingdom come. Amen.

Iona Community

Prayer Request Form

St Gregory's is the civic church of Sudbury, we pray for the town and all who live and work here following a regular pattern every month, as well as on Sundays. We know that the pandemic continues to affect us all at many different levels, and we want to assure you of our prayers whatever you are going through. If you would like to request prayer for anything in particular please fill in the web form below. It is designed to be the equivalent of our prayer board in church which, due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to use at the moment. We will add your request to our Sunday morning 'Praying for our town' time at 9am in church as well as to our daily prayers.

How can we pray for you?

Prayer Request Form

The Prayer Breakfasts Rota

The prayer breakfast meetings are  weekly  and  take place from 8.00am - 9.30 am. All welcome.

8thSalvation Army, Sudbury
15thAll Saints Church Hall - New Life hosting
22ndSuffolk Road Church
1stSudbury Baptist Church
15thAll Saints Church Hall
22ndSt Peter and St Paul - Lavenham Village Hall
29thSt Catherine's Long Melford
5thSt John's Methodist Church Sudbury
12thSudbury Baptist Church
19th Friends Meeting House, Friars Street
26thAll Saints Church, Lt Cornard CO10 0PE
3rdNew Life Church @ All Saints Church Hall, Sudbury
10thSt Lawrence, Gt Waldingfield
17thAll Saints Church Hall Sudbury
24thSt Gregory's Church