St. Gregory's Parish Church, Sudbury, Suffolk
"Your Community - Your Church"
St Gregory's Parish Church
About Us:
St Gregory’s is an Anglican Church (Church of England) serving most of the town of Sudbury, Suffolk in the United Kingdom. St Gregory’s has been in Sudbury for many centuries and continues to be a focus for the local community and is seen by many as the "Mother Church" of Sudbury. St Gregory’s aims to provide for the spiritual needs of the town and wants all who come, whether just as visitors to the building, or to join in with the worship, to feel a warm welcome.
Offering a range of Christian worship on weekdays and Sundays which is both welcoming and inclusive. St Gregory's continues to serve the local community through baptisms, weddings and funerals, and as a venue for Civic and other services, and as a church building that is open daily and provides a peaceful space for visits and for prayer and reflection.
Come and look around our beautiful and ancient building, soak up the atmosphere, and perhaps light a candle for a loved one.
Prayer requests:
Send us your personal prayer requests from our prayers page
Prayer Requests Click/Touch Here
St Gregory's Parish Church
Visiting Us:
The Opening of St Gregory’s Church
Due to ongoing vandalism the PPC have decided to shut the church for most of the week except for services. It is always open on a Wednesday from 10- 12:30pm.
Visitors making a special trip to Sudbury perhaps to see Simon’s head are advised to make an appointment via the parish secretary.
Speak to Someone:
Rector: Revd Andrew Doarks
phone: 07970495654

Writing from the Rectory – Feb 2025
All you need is love
February is the month for love, traditionally anyway; I hope you have known love in your life and continue to know it. However, we know that it cannot be relied upon to last forever in the sense of a personal, human relationship; at some point either we or our loved ones will depart this earthly life. There is, however, a love that is guaranteed and permanent, not conditional, not keeping any record of wrongs, forgiving all things.
The most popular choice of bible reading for weddings is from a letter that St Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in south-central Greece. The thirteenth chapter speaks of spiritual gifts such as knowledge, prophecy and discernment. If we possess these abilities as they have been given us by God but do not ‘have love’, our actions are empty and lack integrity. Whilst some gifts are partial, some remain forever – these are listed by St Paul as faith, hope and love. However, the reason we need faith and hope in God this side of glory is because for now we see only partial glimpses of His handling situations, we have to trust that He is running the universe effectively beyond our own comprehension. Yet, one day, we shall see Him face to face. I suspect all the questions we’ve stored up over the years to ask Him will fade away as we have revealed to us in plain sight His overwhelming love, compassion and mercy in their fullest form.
When we dwell in the house of the Lord forever, there won’t be any need for faith or hope, we shall only need love. There will be no need to hope that all will be well, no need to walk by faith not sight as we will see plainly all that makes sense of life. It’s as though we see through a mirror that is partly frosted, the bible tells us, but one day we shall have 20/20 vision of all that God has been planning for our sakes, for love. God made each one of us to expand His love even though he had a perfect full relationship before the world began. He chose to bring us to life that love might infinitely expand. In the words of Augustine of Hippo, Let us entrust the past to His mercy, the future to His providence and the present to His love.
May the love of Christ dwell in your hearts,
Reverend Andrew
Regular Services
Wednesday Holy communion at 11am
Thursday Meditation 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Sunday Holy Communion at 8am on the 3rd Sunday of the month and 10am every weekOn the 5th Sunday of a month the service alternates between St Gregory's and All Saints churches.
30th March 2025 - St Gregory's Church
29th June 2025 - All Saints Church
31st August 2025- St Gregory's Church
30th November 2025 - All Saints Church
Please join us for refreshments after the 10.00am service.
The Coffee Club Team Rota is Here
Sunday Morning readings
We always have a gospel reading as the second reading; the other reading will be either Old Testament or Epistle depending on the season. We are following the Roots material for All Age worship which you will find here. The theme for the Sunday is the bold typed reading which might be the gospel but as currently is an Old Testament reading.
Special Services Celebrating Life Events
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you are considering getting married.
To find out more about weddings, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776 955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you are considering a christening.
To find out more about christenings, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you require funeral advice.
To find out more about funerals, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
Calendar of Services and Events at St Gregs
where you can share your experiences of St Gregory Church Sudbury
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