St. Gregory's Parish Church, Sudbury, Suffolk
"Your Community - Your Church"
St Gregory's Parish Church
About Us:
St Gregory’s is an Anglican Church (Church of England) serving most of the town of Sudbury, Suffolk in the United Kingdom. St Gregory’s has been in Sudbury for many centuries and continues to be a focus for the local community and is seen by many as the "Mother Church" of Sudbury. St Gregory’s aims to provide for the spiritual needs of the town and wants all who come, whether just as visitors to the building, or to join in with the worship, to feel a warm welcome.
Offering a range of Christian worship on weekdays and Sundays which is both welcoming and inclusive. St Gregory's continues to serve the local community through baptisms, weddings and funerals, and as a venue for Civic and other services, and as a church building that is open daily and provides a peaceful space for visits and for prayer and reflection.
Come and look around our beautiful and ancient building, soak up the atmosphere, and perhaps light a candle for a loved one.
Prayer requests:
Send us your personal prayer requests from our prayers page
Prayer Requests Click/Touch Here
St Gregory's Parish Church
Visiting Us:
The Opening of St Gregory’s Church
Due to ongoing vandalism the PPC have decided to shut the church for most of the week except for services. It is always open on a Wednesday from 10- 12:30pm.
Visitors making a special trip to Sudbury perhaps to see Simon’s head are advised to make an appointment via the parish secretary.
Speak to Someone:
Rector: Revd Andrew Doarks
phone: 07970495654
Writing from the Rectory: December 2024
In the beginning God gathers the dust of the earth and forms people to inhabit and care for His creation. He breathes life into flesh and bones, and to this day we don’t know what kick-starts life itself; life is a mystery and a gift to be enjoyed, and to be shared with others for their enjoyment too.
Notice how often we gather to celebrate occasions; we join with one another to form a unit. God’s plan for the world is that we unite around common purposes – we bind ourselves to an activity or a belief that we have in common – it is a form of worship, which as humans we do instinctively. Believe it or not, there is no word for church in the bible! Instead, the word means 'gathered ones'. And so we gather as the place of worship draws together the many to the one when we sing carols, say prayers, share mince pies, remember loved ones and think of Christmases past. We are wired to look to something or someone in which to find inspiration, even if we conclude that there is no meaning to life.
At Christmas the celebrations remind us that God has not left us alone to work this out but shares our humanity. Emmanuel means God With Us, and He loves His creation and wants us to enjoy it with Him. To live in the presence of the father of eternity helps us relinquish our confusions and anxieties and lay them in the straw of the stable by the manger, before the very gift giver of life Himself; a baby and yet a king. He gave the gift of Himself, in the form of a human known as Jesus, the Christ, the anointed one; not to condemn the world but that we should be restored to that original pattern for life - without death and without suffering.
Why not drop into a Christmas service this year and re-connect with the joyful news of the birth of the Christ child, or discover it for the first time this year? We have services running throughout December – see our advert in this magazine for more details.
May you know the peace of Jesus this Christmas and throughout 2025.
Reverend Andrew
Regular Services
Wednesday Holy communion at 11am
Thursday Meditation 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Sunday Holy Communion at 8am on the 3rd Sunday of the month and 10am every weekOn the 5th Sunday of a month the service alternates between St Gregory's and All Saints churches.
26th January 2025- All Saints Church Church, followed by a soup and crumble lunch.
Please join us for refreshments after the 10.00am service.
The Coffee Club Team Rota is Here
Sunday Morning readings
We always have a gospel reading as the second reading; the other reading will be either Old Testament or Epistle depending on the season. We are following the Roots material for All Age worship which you will find here. The theme for the Sunday is the bold typed reading which might be the gospel but as currently is an Old Testament reading.
Special Services Celebrating Life Events
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you are considering getting married.
To find out more about weddings, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776 955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you are considering a christening.
To find out more about christenings, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
St Gregory’s is here for all the significant occasions in your life.
We will be very pleased to hear from you if you require funeral advice.
To find out more about funerals, contact the parish secretary : or phone 07776955306
Claire is available Tuesdays 9am - 5pm by phone/email
Calendar of Services and Events at St Gregs
where you can share your experiences of St Gregory Church Sudbury
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