Highlights of the special moments that we have enjoyed this year.
As always a big thank you to everyone who supported these events. Please take note of our NEWS PAGE for current meetings that are in our diaries for the next few months that may interest you and where you will be most welcome. If we can help, advise or let you have more information about our events then let us know by contacting the appropriate person in the features below. Previous years events reports may be found at the end of this page.

God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith;
the warmth of Christmas, which is love;
the radiance of Christmas, which is purity;
the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice;
the belief in Christmas, which is truth;
the all of Christmas, which is Christ.”

Christmas Tree Festival
2nd - 7th December 2022
For the second year St Gregory's has hosted the Christmas Tree Festival. The event is run by the Sudbury Rotary Club and all the proceeds are going to good causes in the community.

Sudbury Gainsborough WI celebrating the restoration of St Gregory's bells.
There were sixty trees in the festival.
St Gregory's Church tree - A thanksgiving for heat and light
Growing Together - Growing Younger
On Saturday 22nd October thirty five members of both St Gregory's church and All Saints church met for the day to discuss how, as a Benefice,we could work together to encourage younger people into the church. Hilary Wordsworth -Sewell from the diocese was there to help us discuss the matter. It was a very positive start to the process.

The work to update our heating and lighting is drawing to a close and we hope to be able to resume our services in November.

The pictures below show the bell being lifted off the low loader then ready to be raised up the tower. There is a lovely view of the bell chamber, and the bell frame which was cleaned down and repainted by bell ringing volunteers from local churches.Finally a grateful "thank you " to the gang that fed the bell hangers, and won praise from Taylors- who cleaned the bells - for keeping up the energy levels of the workers!

St Gregory's Flowers
All through the year the flower arrangers are hard at work creating lovely displays. Thank you to everyone who helps keep our church looking beautiful.
St Gregory's Bells
After four days hard work by a cheerful band of helpers, the bells were removed from St Gregory's Tower and taken to Taylor's of Loughborough for cleaning, tuning and turning. We are hoping that they will be back, and in excellent 'going' order for the end of August. They should be much easier to handle and we hope to encourage people to come and learn to ring or for those who have learned at some time, to return to ringing.

The Institution and Induction of the Revd Andrew Doarks
Friday 29th April 2022
It was a very happy celebration to welcome Andrew, and his wife Kate, to St Gregory's and All Saints churches. We look forward to, and pray for, his ministry here in Sudbury.

Sunday April 17th - Easter Sunday
He is Risen - He is Risen indeed!
The new Easter Candle is brought into the church to be used until next Easter
Today, Easter Sunday,we said our "goodbyes" to the Revd Chris Eyden who has been our interim priest since October 2021. He has led us through our interregnum and as well as his preaching and leadership, he has been a wise council for our PCC and has enabled greater collaboration with All Saint's. Although he won't be at St Greg's, we are not far from his ministry as Assistant Diocesan director of ordinands at Bury St Edmunds. We look forward to catching up with him in the months to come. Thank you Chris from all at St Gregory's.

The singles lunch was held at Lydia's, the Turkish restaurant in Sudbury, after the service. A good time was had by all.

10th April 2022
The palm crosses are distributed to remind us of Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Mothering Sunday - 27th March 2022
Today we celebrated Mothering Sunday in church. At the end of the service bunches of flowers were handed out, not ony to those who were mothers, but to everyone.

In January the meal was held in The Wagon, Acton Square, Sudbury and enjoyed by all. Sue Ayres was thanked for all her work in organising the meals in 2021 and discussions took place about the possibility of going further afield in the summer and maybe hiring a minibus!
Keep an eye on the News page for further details.

The crib is displayed for the last time as the Christmas and Epiphany season end.

Forty days after the birth of Jesus the figures are removed and stored away until next Christmas.

The crib is bare once more as we look forward to Easter.