Church Schools

Tudor CEVC Primary School
Tudor Road, Sudbury,CO10 1NL

01787 372005

St Gregory CEVC Primary School
Church Street, Sudbury CO10 2BJ

01787 372418











‘St. Gregory’s church community delights in working with and supporting our church schools. Cheryl is a Governor at both of the schools and regular goes into school to take assemblies, help with various projects and as part of her role as a Governor. She seeks to support the whole community of staff and pupils. We are very blessed to have two excellent and committed Head Teachers in Mrs. Liz Campbell (Tudor) and Mr. Daniel Woodrow (St.Gregory’s). We regularly pray for our church schools, and Cheryl conducted a prayer pilgrimage around each of the schools as part of her prayer walking Sudbury. We also love to welcome our children into church, both to take part in our regular services and for special activity days in church.