Highlights of the special moments that we have enjoyed this year.
As always a big thank you to everyone who supported these events. Please take note of our NEWS PAGE for current meetings that are in our diaries for the next few months that may interest you and where you will be most welcome. If we can help, advise or let you have more information about our events then let us know by contacting the appropriate person in the features below. Previous years events reports may be found at the end of this page.
December 2021

The Christmas Tree Festival
This year the Christmas Tree Festival is being held in St Gregory's church while St Peter's church is closed. The church is full of trees from a variety of different organisations, charities, schools and firms. It includes one from our church that reflects bells appeal that is ongoing at the present time.

November 2021

11th November 2021
Lest We Forget

On Saturday 6th November, Tom, our former assistant priest, and now priest in charge of St Mary le -Tower in Ipswich, was married in the Cathedral to Laura. We wish them every happiness in their life together.
October 2021

October 24th 2021 Harvest Festival
Last Sunday saw Harvest Festival at St Gregory’s. We had a fun time with inflatable globes and wheelbarrows with squeaky wheels. We had the customary basket of vegetables and flowers and the harvest loaf. We sang the familiar hymns to those of us “in our prime” and we ploughed, and scattered, and celebrated the harvest home. We did something else too. We didn’t collect food this year. Our chosen charity was not a food bank. Abi’s footprint cares for parents and children who struggle to live well and make ends meet. They care for families of all shapes and sizes living in Sudbury and the surrounding area. Abi’s asked for children’s Gloves, hats, and baby wash. There were a lot of pants donated as well! Not the usual harvest offering perhaps but meeting the need as it was communicated to us. I was reminded of Jesus words “Would your heavenly father offer you a stone when you asked for bread?”. If there is a need for hats, gloves and Baby wash, there is no point us offering a carrot and an apple from our harvest display! People were smart and generous with what they offered, and we took a carload of Hats and gloves, baby wash and pants, to the charity on Monday. Well-done everyone.

October 4th 2021
Twenty five members of the congregation went by coach to witness Rev Tom Mumford. our former curate. being Licensed as Priest in Charge of the church of St Mary - Le -Tower in Ipswich. We wish him the very best in his new role.

Sunday 12th September 2021
Today we said "goodbye" to our assistant priest, Tom Mumford. After two years at St Gregory's he is off to take up the position of Vicar at St Mary Le Tower in Ipswich. After the service he was presented with some of his favourite tipple as well as a monetary gift. We all wish him the very best in his new post.
Cheryl's last service 5th September 2021
There was a full church for the retirement of Cheryl Collins, Rector of St Gregory's Church. The congregation included people from her previous parishes, other churches in Sudbury and of course parishioners from St Gregory's.
Cheryl led us in celebrating the communion and following this service there was a presentation to her of cards, flowers and a monetary gift.
We wish Cheryl all the very best in her retirement and with her move to Sheffield.
August 2021 - The Singles Lunch Club
The Singles Lunch Club is up and running with members delighted to have a meal and catch up on all the news. This month we were at The Brewers Arms at Polstead for a lovely carvery, and as you can see, delicious sweets!
July 2021 - British Legion Centenary Celebrations
On the 31st July 2021 the Sudbury branch of the British legion celebrated its 100th anniversary.
As their Padre Cheryl took part in the service and then at the tea following the event
she was presented with a certificate to mark her retirement from the position.
She was wished every happiness in her new life.
June 2021 - Singles Lunches
Things are slowly getting back to normal and on Sunday 27th June the Singles Lunch club began again. Twelve of us went to the Brewers Arms at Polstead and had a lovely carvery and, as you can see, some delicious puddings!
May 2021
Sunday 21st May 2021
Rev. Tom Mumford officiated at his last Sunday communion before going on his placement. This is a normal event for all curates, but due to the pandemic, Tom is having to take his in one block instead of spreading it out over his curacy here at St Gregory's. He is going to work in the Hadleigh parishes and will return to St Greg's at the beginning of October. We wish him all the very best for his new venture.
April 2021
March 29th - April 4th 2021
Holy week was celebrated in several ways this year. Compline was streamed live on Facebook by Rev Tom Mumford at 8pm on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday. Maunday Thursday we were once again back in church for Holy Communion and the stripping of the sanctuary. There were two services on Good Friday with the Stations of the Cross at 10am and a service of reflection from 2 - 3 pm. There was a joyful celebration on Easter Sunday with over 50 people attending to praise the Risen Lord.
Christ is Risen Allelujah!
Easter Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
March 2021

Palm Sunday - March 28th 2021
Leaving church with the Palm Crosses
February 2021
Help throughout Lent
During the Lentern season we have been reading "Live Lent" each day to focus our minds on the meaning of Lent. The three churches in the locality, St Gregory's, All Saints and St Andrew's have joined together to form Lent groups. Using the York Courses booklet "Receiving Christ" we are exploring five different ways in which we can receive Christ into our lives.
January 2021
Zoom Church Service
January 17th 2021
Once again we are back to Zoom meetings as the Corona virus is very prevalent in the area.
Nevertheless we are able to join together to worship,pray and sing God's praises