Everyone is beginning to gather for the start of the journey
After arriving at the Cathedral we went to the High Alter
We found our seats to celebrate the Eucharist
David robed to take part in the service
A Pilgrimage Prayer by Sir Walter Raleigh
Give me my scallop - shell of quiet, my staff of faith to walk upon, my script of joy, immortal diet, my bottle of salvation,my gown of glory, hope's true gage, and thus I'll take my pilgrimage.
After lunch we took the Pilgrimage Walk around the cathedral. It began at the sculpture which symbolises the winding road to the cross and a walk around the maze on the floor.
The second stop was to reflect on the nave known as The Ship of the Fens due to it shape.
We then stopped under the lantern tower to reflect on the Cross and ressurection
We had time to reflect in quietness on what we do to proclaim the Gospel and love of the Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ, lift us from doubt to faith, from despair to hope,from death to life. Take us, renew us and remake us that we might live for you our glorious, wounded, Risen Lord. Amen
We visited the chapel of St Etheldreda who founded a nunnery and monastery on the site in 653 AD.
We finished in the Lady Chapel which was displaying the "Vision 20/20" touring collage.
The cathedral was full of displays around the theme of "Harvest" based on the local crops and farming around Ely.
It even included sheep!
Our last act of worship was sung even song when we listened to the lovely singing of the boys choir.
Finally it was time to go home after a wonderful pilgrimage.